PROPEL Annual Symposium

Save the Date PROPEL Annual Symposium: May 27th






UCSF Mission Bay Campus can be accessed by taking the Muni T line to UCSF/Chase Center stop

Parking is available at the Rutter Center (1625 Owens St) and UCSF Third Street Garage (1650 3rd St

Health Policies 

Please also be sure to sign in when you arrive to the symposium as we are required to maintain an attendee list for contact tracing purposes. 

Daily Health Screener: 

All event attendees are required to take the UCSF daily health screener prior to coming onsite. Non-UCSF guests attending the event are required to take the visitor/guest screener. 

UCSF screener: 

Non-UCSF guest screener: 


UCSF faculty, staff, learners and vendors must comply with the mandatory UC Office of the President Vaccination Policy to attend an in-person meeting or event. UCSF vaccination exempt personnel must receive a negative COVID-19 test within 24 hours prior to the event. Non-UCSF guests (individuals that are not UCSF faculty, staff and learners including vendor staff) must be up to date on vaccinations meaning fully vaccinated plus booster once eligible to attend or support an in-person meeting or event.  


  • We encourage everyone to remain masked except when eating or drinking. We also encourage you to step outside with food or drinks. 
  • Unvaccinated personnel with exceptions must always wear masks and comply with other non-pharmaceutical interventions. 
  • Anyone with a recent high-risk exposure to COVID-19 must always wear masks and comply with other non-pharmaceutical interventions. 
  • Wearing masks outdoors is optional, but strongly recommended for those who are not fully vaccinated in situations where they will be in sustained close contact with others. 
  • Please respect and support everyone’s individual decisions, including those who choose to continue wearing a mask.